About us

From Oncogenomics we promote the application of the most advanced genomic developments in the field of Medical Oncology, favoring innovation in clinical practice by selecting personalized treatments

alianzas medicina de precision

Years of experience

Spanish company founded in 2013.

test genetico genoma oncología

Pioneer in the launch of Prosigna® in Spain

First cases of prosigna throughout Spain were carried out by Oncogenomics.

laboratorio test genético medicina personalizada

Alliance with two prestigious laboratories

The Translational Oncology Laboratory (LAOT),  in the Gregorio Marañon Hospital, and the 12 de Octubre Hospital.

medicina test genetico oncología

Accredited laboratory

The Translational Oncology Laboratory (LAOT) at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital is accredited by the ENAC.

resultados test genético

More than a thousand cases made

and this number continues to grow.

globo oncogenomcis internacional

International reach

Presence in Spain, Portugal, Latin America and Lebanon; and we continue to expand.


nanostring prosigna test genomica
logo iisgm alianza
logo hospital 12 de octubre
logo Geicam cáncer de mama España
logo ENAC acreditación laboratorio
