What is OncoSTRAT&GO?

The OncoSTRAT & GO® tumor genomic test allows the detection of tumor genomic heterogeneity by simultaneous analysis of the solid biopsy and the liquid biopsy of the patient for a more consistent prediction of personalized treatments.


This service offers important individual information regarding the development and progression of the tumor, and a more consistent prediction about personalized treatments.

The solid biopsy study analyzes a panel that combines the DNA and RNA analysis of ≈200 genes that are part of the cancer pathways, which are targets of approved or research drugs, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, genes with copy number variations (CNV) and> 300 gene fusions to give a complete picture of the patient’s disease.

Together with the sequencing panel, a series of complementary and specific tests are performed for each type of cancer (IHQ, FISH, translocation analysis, etc.) with which all kinds of genomic alterations are detected obtaining information on sensitivity or resistance to different types of chemotherapies or other drugs, which allows further personalization of the treatment.

The study in liquid biopsy (blood) uses a technology capable of isolating circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in blood to identify genomic alterations thus allowing to measure and compare the heterogeneity of the tumor with the results obtained in solid biopsy.


The final result consists of the following content:

  • Mutations present in the analyzed sequence of the tumor in solid and liquid biopsy
  • Association of mutations with tumor development and progression
  • Association of mutations with specific treatments
  • Association of mutations with clinical trials
  • Association of the result of IHQ, FISH with sensitivity or resistance to different types of chemotherapies or other drugs

OncoSRAT & GO has the CE IVD markings and is carried out in an ISO 15189 accredited laboratory.

Gene panels

genes panel oncoDNA strat&go biopsia sólida medicina de precisión
panel genes oncodna strat&go biopsia líquida


OncoSTRAT&GO brochure

Gene panels

Sample preparation protocol
