What is OncoSELECT?

OncoSELECT is a new minimally invasive genomic study that allows to detect the mutations present in the circulating tumor DNA from a blood sample and that has three specific panels for patients with lung (NSCLC), colon or breast cancer (RH + or HER2 +).


OncoSELECT is the perfect tool for:

  • Identify therapeutic options in patients in whom removal of a biopsy sample is not possible, or in cases where the amount of sample is insufficient or too old.
  • Detect possible resistance to treatment, even before routine imaging tests.
  • Monitor the tumor response, allowing to adapt the treatment and, thus, expand the patient’s options.

Based on a recent modification of the FDA guidelines, liquid biopsy is now approved as the first diagnostic tool for patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, so OncoSELECT is the perfect study to perform a first screening of the most relevant genes that are related to treatments.

Specific panels

OncoSELECT is unique because it focuses only on the targets that are most important in each type of cancer. It is a study focused on the essential markers of response or resistance to treatment and is currently available in three versions:

  • Lung cancer patients (NSCLC)
  • Patients with colorectal cancer (CRC)
  • Patients with breast cancer (RH + or HER2 +)

Gene panels according to type of cancer

Breast cancer panel

Colorectal Cancer Panel

Lung Cancer Panel


OncoSELECT is indicated in adult patients with solid tumors in lung cancer (NSCLC), colon or breast (RH + or HER2 +) in which:

  • There are multiple standard treatment options and you want to choose the most effective
  • Standard options cannot be considered due to patient comorbidities.
    Standard treatment lines have been exhausted
  • The tumor is highly aggressive.
  • The tumor is rare or uncommon.

Additional documentation

OncoSELECT brochure
